Bath & Body Works has launched its loyalty program nationwide at the retailer’s 1,750+ locations following testing in select markets. The personal care and home fragrance retailer also debuted its My Bath & Body Works App, which allows shoppers to earn rewards points through any channel and provides exclusive content. Additionally, the in-app wallet stores rewards points, offers and gift cards to provide a convenient experience to customers.
Members of the My Bath & Body Works Rewards loyalty program can:
- Earn 10 points for each $1 spent;
- Redeem 1,000 points for a free product of the customer’s choice (up to $16.50);
- Gain early access to big events and new fragrance launches;
- Preview new product drops and gain priority access to limited offerings;
- Receive a birthday gift each year; and
- Enjoy a free welcome offer of $10 off a $30 purchase.
“Here at Bath & Body Works, we aim to make the world a brighter and happier place through the power of fragrance,” said Joanne Friess, SVP of Marketing Strategy at Bath & Body Works in a statement. “Today’s launch gives us an exciting and meaningful extension of that commitment. I’m especially excited to underscore that a key differentiator from other loyalty programs is that our members can redeem their rewards for free full-size products, not just sample sizes.”
The introduction of the My Bath & Body Works app and expansion of the loyalty program have been implemented at a time when Bath & Body Works hopes to improve its performance after a 5% decrease in year-over-year sales for Q2 2022, which was followed by restructuring plans that included layoffs of 130 employees, mainly from its leadership team.