Over the past four years, there has been little to no discernable change in marketers’ overall ability to integrate customer touch points. In both 2011 and 2014, 38% of marketers said that although they understood the customer journey, they had very little management and integration across all touch points, according to a report from ResponseTap.
The report, titled: Understanding The Customer Journey, was developed to help marketers explore the omnichannel customer journey and understand its numerous definitions. For the online survey, Econsultancy collected insights from approximately 2,000 client-side marketers, e-Commerce professionals and supply-side agencies.
Organizations still are lagging when it comes to implementing digital throughout the customer journey. Less than half (46%) of client-side respondents and 33% of supply-side respondents indicated that it was very important for businesses to conjoin online and offline activities, which is technically the definition of an omnichannel strategy.
However, these organizations still face myriad barriers in understanding the customer journey. While 35% of client-side respondents said they have the most issues understanding the complexity of the modern customer experience, supply-side respondents have trouble operating with siloed organizational structure.
When it comes to understanding the new customer journey and creating the optimal campaigns and strategies, 41% of client-side respondents and 58% of supply-side agencies said they put their marketing departments in control.
But most companies don’t even have budget dedicated to understanding the customer journey. At least 35% of client-side companies and 49% of supply-side agencies use money that was originally assigned to other business matters to fund these processes. More than one third (36%) of client-side companies and 27% of supply-side agencies have no budget at all.
Of all the organizations surveyed, 18% of U.S. respondents said they had a “well-developed strategy” to improving the customer experience, compared to only 5% of European and 1% of APAC respondents. However, 66% of APAC companies said they are in the process of developing a new customer experience strategy.
Click here to access the report.