Books-A-Million is celebrating National Read Across America Day by offering same-day delivery to locations nationwide. Powered by Walmart GoLocal, the service was initially launched last year and is part of the retailer’s broader focus on creating a frictionless ecommerce fulfillment experience for customers across the U.S.
To place an order, customers can visit and select the “Same-Day Delivery” option during checkout for thousands of in-stock products, including top-selling books, toys, games and collectibles. Orders will then be picked up by a delivery driver and dropped off at the customer’s desired location. Orders placed before 3 p.m. will be delivered the same day, and orders placed after 3 p.m. will be delivered the next day. From February 29 to March 9, customers who place an order online will not only enjoy the convenience of same-day delivery but also receive a special $5 off $25 coupon and a complimentary reusable tote.
“We are excited to offer the convenience and speed of same-day delivery across our entire chain of Books-A-Million stores nationwide,” said Pete Zophy, SVP of Ecommerce at Books-A-Million in a statement. “Our commitment to providing exceptional service and value is at the forefront of everything we do, and this new offering is just one more way we are delivering on that promise.”