Ebay has added luxury apparel to its consignment service, so sellers can now hand off the listing and selling of these goods to Ebay experts. After launching consignment services for designer handbags last year, Ebay saw heightened demand for pre-loved apparel: 22 pre-loved shirts, six pairs of pre-loved jeans, and eight pre-loved coats were sold every minute on the platform across the U.S., UK and Germany, the company reported.
Ebay accepts more than 35 luxury brands, including Balenciaga, Chanel, Christian Dior, Gucci, Hermès, Louis Vuitton and Prada. After sellers fill out a product intake form, they receive a prepaid insured shipping label and send their products off to the consignment experts. The Ebay team then works with its consignment partner, Linda’s Stuff, to handle the end-to-end processes, including developing the listing details, snapping photography and finalizing item pricing. Sellers are paid a specific commission fee based on the final selling price.
The consignment service is one of many programs and initiatives Ebay has developed to help brands, sellers and buyers support the circular fashion movement. The Direct from Brand and Certified by Brand services allow brands to sell products at all stages of their lifespan, while Ebay’s Authenticity Guarantee ensures shoppers feel confident in the pre-loved luxury goods they purchase. To date, Ebay has authenticated 7.7 million items.