Advertisement Drives Sales With Targeted Email Campaigns

Email is a key channel for winning new customers and turning them into loyal, long-term shoppers. In fact, customer acquisition via email has quadrupled over the last four years, according to research from Custora, an online-only furniture company, leverages a series of targeted emails to connect with customers throughout their unique browsing and buying journeys, acquire customers and drive incremental sales. As of June 2013, the email series was accounting for approximately 8% of overall monthly revenue, according to T.J. Gentle, CEO of

“We have implemented a number of targeted email initiatives and campaigns: A cart abandonment program, a welcome series, post-purchase emails, and loyalty initiatives,” Gentle said in an interview with Retail TouchPoints. “Each of these programs target visitors at two different points of their interactions with our company — before and after the moment of purchase. Overall, these email initiatives are proving to be hugely successful for the business.” 


By partnering with Listrak, an email service provider, developed a series of targeted and customized email campaigns based on customers’ browsing and buying history, as well as their product preferences.

Customization And Personalization Become Engagement Necessities

Message personalization is playing a key role in the email cart abandonment and welcome programs. When shoppers who sign up for this email program abandon an online purchase, they receive reminder emails featuring detailed information about the items left in their carts.

“The majority of the visitors converted with just a simple reminder that they had browsed the site previously and left items in their carts,” Gentle explained. In fact, the anti-abandonment campaign is where sees “the quickest lift in sales and engagement. We’re able to recapture our visitors’ attention, and get them back into the purchasing mindset.”

A welcome series created to engage new mailing list subscribers also helps drive ongoing engagement and incremental sales. Once consumers enter their email addresses, they receive a follow-up message inviting them to provide their email content preferences, Gentle noted. “From there, we can see what interests consumers then send more targeted and relevant messages.”

Focusing On Valuable Experiences

Small incentives are included in email messages sent to consumers in the latter stages of browsing and buying, according Gentle. But overall, focuses on promoting unique product attributes and business strategies to stand out via email. 

“A great deal never hurts, but it’s not always a determining factor for converting a customer via email,” Gentle said. Communicating about quality customer service and the customers’ ability to fully personalize products with visual customization tools “is what makes us unique in our space.”

For instance, promotes the Design-on-Demand visual customization tool via email by showing the variety of product configurations, Gentle said. “A message may state: ‘Product A is available in 5,000 different styles — customize yours today!”

To convert site visitors into customers at a faster rate, recently implemented a post-purchase and loyalty email campaign. Together, Gentle explained, these programs help drive both future sales and long-term engagement.

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