Specialty outdoors retailer Moosejaw is noted for creating a memorable and relevant customer experience across all channels. Through mobile POS, social media, targeted emails and more, Moosejaw strives to make customers feel special.
Predictive marketing analytics plays a pivotal role in not only piquing interest and acquiring customers, but also building customer loyalty. A dedicated analyst on the Moosejaw staff focuses on mining and interpreting customer data.
{loadposition TSHBAIAA022014} Customer data is tapped to fuel personalization and targeting efforts across channels. “We use our knowledge of the customer to determine who gets a catalogue, direct mail, and what type of email they will be receiving,” said Dan Pingree, VP of Marketing at Moosejaw, in an interview with Retail TouchPoints. “This is important because it helps those channels perform at a higher level and helps us better satisfy and retain our customers.”
The Moosejaw analyst and marketing team also glean more detailed insight into customer preferences and behaviors using the AgilOne predictive marketing solution. Now, the retailer can identify “brands they like, products they need and have purchased, etc.,” Pingree explained. “We reflect this knowledge in our marketing, which helps customer more easily find what they are looking for. This helps us better retain repeat customers.”
Integrated with marketing execution partners, AgilOne also helps Moosejaw execute campaigns and access customer reports more quickly and seamlessly.
“We don’t have to rely on IT anymore for in-depth reporting about our customers,” Pingree noted, “which is ideal.”
Investing In Personalization
Personalization was always a business principle that Moosjaw strived for. However, “it was just talk until we truly invested in Big Data and the internal head count to understand different customer behaviors,” Pingree said. “Now, we’ve made the investment and we clearly see the results.”
With AgilOne’s help, Moosejaw created an automated email campaign for loyalty program members. Messages notified consumers when their rewards points were about to expire, which helped drive a surge in last-minute sales. Data reports also helped Moosejaw understand patterns among loyalty cardholders.
“For instance, Moosejaw was able to learn about the relationship between earning points and how long it takes a customer to redeem them,” noted Dietrich Chen, VP of Customer Strategy at AgilOne. “They have also been able to identify the top products and categories where customers are shopping with their rewards points.
AgilOne technology and data analysis best practices are leveraged across all communication and commerce touch points.
“Our process is to collect the data first, review it, and then find channel opportunities to use this data in a way that each different customer will be messaged according to their preferences, site behavior and purchasing history,” Pingree said. Due to the success of the AgilOne implementation, which was completed nearly three years ago, Moosejaw has implemented AgilOne recommended products, which are located on the product detail page and cart page.
Moosejaw is in the process of integrating product recommendations into email messages, Pingree reported. “These would be based on a customer’s browsing experience, purchasing history, and what others who looked at a similar item also purchased. We expect great results from this.”
In a highly competitive industry, retailers can create and maintain loyalty by “understanding the customer and using that insight to drive long-term benefits for both the retailer and the customer,” Chen explained. “Customer loyalty is created when both sides invest in that relationship. The customer reveals his or her preferences, needs and behaviors to the retailer, and, in turn, the retailer invests in using that information in a relevant, thoughtful manner to make future interactions and transactions more enjoyable, seamless and efficient.”
Chen added that while Moosejaw is known for fun and quirky marketing material, “what makes their promotions even more effective is when they combine their creativity with actual insights about each individual customer.”