Dooney & Bourke, a handbag and leather goods brand, has partnered with PredictSpring to launch a mobile app. The retailer discovered that 60% of its web traffic came from mobile devices, and created the app to add new convenience and personalization options for shoppers using the platform.
Dooney & Bourke worked with PredictSpring to build the Salesforce Commerce Cloud-based app in weeks. New features available for users include:
- Access to campaigns featuring Dooney & Bourke products, such as the “Bag of the Week” drop offering of new handbags styles for app users, and “The 12 Days of Dooney,” a daily introduction of 12 new and limited quantity styles;
- The ability to establish a style profile by answering in-app questions such as preferred bag style and color, which will be used for future product development and promotion strategy; and
- Usage of DooneyPay, an upcoming flexible payment option that lets shoppers pay for items in three installments.
“While our core competency is designing high-end handbags, we maintain a strong commitment to leveraging technology to enhance our customer experience,” said Peter Beaugard, Head of Brand Strategy at Dooney & Bourke in a statement. “As part of that commitment, we knew we needed a fast, personalized native app that would reward our loyal customers with unique product opportunities, promotions, and content. We look at 2019 as the year of ‘social commerce’ and we see the app evolving to incorporate more exclusive editorial content and live ‘limited edition’ sales.”
Offering multiple e-Commerce options is important for luxury retailers, since 52% of high-income consumers prefer shopping online over visiting in-store, according to Deloitte. This is particularly important for high-income Millennials, who are 24% less likely to shop in-store than non-Millennial shoppers.
These Millennial shoppers represent a particularly important customer base for luxury retailers: the demographic was responsible for 85% of the growth the global luxury market experienced in 2017, which brought worldwide sales to $1.36 trillion, according to Bain & Co. A survey by The Pearl Source revealed several reasons why Millennials are the top luxury customers:
- 36.5% said they’d forego paying down credit card debt in order to access more disposable income for luxury products and experiences;
- 49.9% are spending up to $500 per month on luxury items; and
- 50.2% admitted that they were buying those items knowing they were not able to afford them.