
Targeted Radio Ads Can Generate 30% Retail Traffic Lifts

Radio is still a strong advertising format for retailers. Dial Report, a radio measurement platform, found that retailers advertising on the radio see an average 30% lift in foot traffic among those who hear the ads.

“Radio still has the same advantage in reach and frequency,” said Paul Brenner, President of Dial Report in an interview with Retail TouchPoints. “What we do with our data is help companies look at that audience a little more specifically and make targeted buys.”


As an example, Dial Report studied the results of a supermarket’s California radio ad campaign in a market with 155 stores. The ads reached 362,782 potential customers, and 13.4% of them visited a store. Shoppers who were exposed to the campaign made 3.14 visits to the store in the two weeks following its end, compared to 2.44 visits among customers who didn’t hear the ads.

Retailers can further target their ads and reach specific demographics by ensuring they air at the right time and on the right stations. Specific customers can be reached by designing a campaign that appeals to members of their particular generation, ethnicity or socioeconomic status.

“We’ve done creative testing and work to prove they can reach the older white female audience as much as they can find a younger Hispanic audience,” said Brenner. “It really just depends on the station they buy and the ads they run.”

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