When most shoppers think of Louis Vuitton, their image is likely to be leather handbags emblazoned with the “LV” logo rather than cutting edge technology. In fact, the luxury retailer has opened what is believed to be the world’s first 3D printed pop-up store in Westfield shopping center in Sydney, Australia.
Working together with specialist 3D print provider Omus, the luxury brand has mounted a 968-square-foot structure, created with a 3D printer in just 18 days.
The dome-shaped structure was 3D printed in 48 sections and took three days to assemble. It was then finished with a chrome mirror self-adhesive vinyl and adorned with distinctive Louis Vuitton-designed animal prints. The pop-up showcases a selection of the brand’s Spring/Summer 2017 collection, which pays homage to African inspirations and The Chapman Brothers.
Louis Vuitton has several stand-alone boutiques in Australia in cities including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.
Pop-up stores are gaining more traction than ever as brand-builders, with online pure players seeking a physical presence and traditional retailers seeking alternatives to standard brick-and-mortar locations. Retailers such as Amazon, Hello Kitty, Alton Lane, Lunya and Casper have utilized shipping containers, airstream trailers and branded boutique hotels to keep up with ever-changing consumer behavior. However, with this three-day installation, Louis Vuitton may have just thrown down a completely customizable pop-up gauntlet.