
WhitePages Launches PRO Identity Score

WhitePages, a provider of contact information for people and businesses in the U.S., has launched WhitePages PRO Identity Score to help businesses validate customer contact information and accelerate their order flow.

With the WhitePages PRO Identity Score, merchants can easily identify and halt fraudulent orders and activities, and clear legitimate orders faster. The solution can be implemented by merchants as a standalone product or as a plug-in to their existing fraud and risk management technologies.

PRO Identity Score compares contact information for each order with the WhitePages PRO proprietary Contact Graph, a technology and data infrastructure that connects people and addresses to mobile and landline phone numbers. With this data model, WhitePages PRO evaluates identity attributes separately to understand subtle patterns that may be overlooked during manual review processes. Data is then fed back into the PRO Identity Score solution for merchants to use.


According to tests executed by WhitePages, merchants automatically approve 85% to 90% of their orders and review the remaining 10% to 15% manually. When using Identity Score, the number of orders that require manual review can decline by up to 40% with no increase in fraudulent activities.

“Confidently verifying customer identities has become more elusive in a digital world and as a result, merchants must be smarter, more focused and more technologically savvy than ever before,” said Alex Algard, CEO of WhitePages. “PRO Identify Score accelerates order flow for merchants so they can focus their limited resources on revenue-driving areas of the business.”

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