
Celerant Conversion Center Offers Cart Abandonment Recovery And Live Cart Tracking

celerantCelerant Technology has unveiled the Conversion Center module for e-Commerce merchants, allowing retailers to respond to potential shopping cart abandonment in real time. The Conversion Center provides visibility into shopping carts, allowing retailers to convert customer orders and provide shipping options.

Celerant Conversion Center logs customer information in a marketing automation database when an email address is entered during the checkout process. Using the module, retailers set their own rules for how and when to contact unconverted customers, and can provide offers to help close the sale such as discount codes, free shipping or shopping assistance from a representative.

The module’s live cart tracking functionality grants customer service representatives immediate access to customer shopping carts.


“If you can imagine a professional shopping assistant standing over a customer’s shoulder providing step-by-step guidance throughout the checkout process, that’s the level of service our cart tracking provides,” said Ian Goldman, CEO of Celerant Technology.

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