Customer Experience Transformation: 5 Research Findings And 12 Action ItemsOn-Demand • Aired on Monday, December 9th, 2013 • 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT During this webinar, Ernan Roman will share recent insights from more than 10,000 hours of Voice of Customer (VoC) Relationship Research conducted by his firm, Ernan Roman Direct Marketing. Based on the findings, Roman will share 5 key VoC research findings that will help retailers significantly improve customer engagement and personalization of offers and experiences. And critically, how personalization can be driven by individual preferences. Roman’s part of the session will conclude with an 12 Point Checklist for transforming your customer experience. Rick Ludolph from Productive Solutions will follow with a look at the enabling technologies to help retailers achieve their customer engagement goals in an omnichannel marketplace. Register to view this webcast below:
Customer Experience Transformation: 5 Research Findings And 12 Action Items
- September 3, 2013 at 5:00 AM EDT
- By Mike Santos
- Posted In: (LEGACY) Holiday Connected Consumer Series 2013
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