
Bunchball Gaming Tactics Help Improve Customer And Employee Engagement

Gamification offers retailers the opportunity to integrate game mechanics into digital experiences to influence and motivate engagement. By incorporating gaming tactics into online communities and user-generated content, retailers can deliver more compelling brand impressions and establish customer loyalty.

Retail demand for gamification platforms is deepened today by a technology-driven shopping environment in which users expect relevant, targeted offers, not a one-size-fits-all approach.

In response, Bunchball launched Nitro Flamethrower in March 2012 to help retailers create personalized gamification programs aimed at meeting the interests of specific users. Flamethrower currently serves up to 70 million unique users and 2.3 billion actions each month.


The Flamethrower gamification platform delivers a set of game mechanics for web sites, social communities and mobile applications. Its intent is to enable retailers to engage fans and users; increase customer loyalty and sales; and motivate employees and partners. Additionally, the platform offers tools to enable employee motivation and leadership activities.

Notably, Flamethrower is pre-built to align with progressive e-Commerce sites that present different offerings for each buyer to reflect individual preferences. It represents an evolution from first generation gamification, similar to first generation e-Commerce solutions, in which all customers had access to the same storefronts and offers. By applying advanced personalization to gamification, Bunchball’s new strategy gives users an experience that speaks to their individual interests and preferences.

The new Nitro Flamethrower platform is designed to enable retailers to optimize customer and employee-facing touch points in several specific ways, including:

Personalization: By creating specific, relevant missions for users, retailers can maximize engagement and participation.

Collaboration: Users can create any number of teams based on any criteria, and create any number of specific goals and missions for that team to pursue. For example, the customer service team may have a mission to increase customer satisfaction by 25%, while the renewals team may seek to secure a certain number of renewals. The gaming platform motivates employees to complete goals and feel responsible for his or her team’s success.

Rewards:  Whether gaining access to exclusive content, collecting sets of virtual goods or receiving recognition from peers, Flamethrower users get end-to-end fulfillment of virtual or physical rewards to keep them engaged via meaningful offers.

“Gamification is not a ‘one-size-fits-all strategy,” said Nicole Powers, Engagement Designer at Maritz, a customer loyalty and employee motivation services provider and established Bunchball customer. “With Nitro Flamethrower, we’ll be able to target challenges and missions to specific user segments. The best part is that we don’t have to write any code because our admin console does it for us. The pre-built widgets cut our launch time in half. Now that our design team can control the user experience, we can iterate and improve our engagement strategy on the fly.”

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