Best Buy is the next retailer in line to offer same-day delivery, partnering with delivery startup Deliv to conduct a pilot in the San Francisco metropolitan area, according to Re/code. With the partnership, Best Buy can use Deliv’s crowdsourced driver network to pick up items from nearby stores and deliver them to shoppers’ locations within a few hours.
The retailer’s same-day delivery option for online orders will carry the same fee as its express shipping option, which may vary in price but usually gets orders to customers in one business day. The test is designed to gauge interest in an option that would complement in-store pickups, according to the report.
Amazon’s foray into same-day delivery has surely had an effect on the direction many big box retailers have taken regarding online shipping methods. In October, Amazon extended its free Prime same-day delivery service to two more cities, and it now serves 16 markets including the San Francisco Bay Area. Earlier in the month, Uber expanded its UberRUSH same-day delivery service beyond New York City, taking it to San Francisco and Chicago.
Deliv has partnered with other big box retailers to implement same-day delivery in some capacity, including Kohl’s, Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s and Foot Locker.