
Customized Video Ads Drive 561% Lift In User Brand Engagement

Customized video marketing can be a powerful component of brand marketing campaigns. Custom interactive video campaigns generate a 561% lift in total user activity (such as in-unit clicks and clicks through to an external web site) over standard pre-roll advertisements, according to research from Innovid.

Pre-roll ads only include static video without any advanced features, whereas more advanced video ads include interactive elements such as overlays and clickable content. Both types of ads play prior to the start of a video that a consumer is viewing.

  • Custom interactive video campaigns deliver an average of 41 additional seconds in time earned — on top of the time spent watching the 15- or 30-second pre-roll — nearly tripling the time spent with a 15-second ad spot. With that in mind, retailers can leverage their existing branded content to supplement these videos;


  • Mobile click-thru interactive video achieves the greatest click-thru rate, compared to any other format, with a 57% lift over desktop;

  • Custom interactive video on connected TV generates the highest completion rates compared to any other device or format, a 73% lift over mobile and a 23% lift over desktop. From the first half of 2016 to the second half of 2016, the number of advertisers running on over-the-top (OTT) content devices increased 27%; and

  • As video duration increases, engagement rate increases and completion rate decreases. This makes it important to get more creative to compete with everything else on the audiences’ minds.

The type of media that is included can affect whether or not audiences see the ads, but so can the type of ad player. From position on the page to the size of the player, retailers ultimately need to understand the expectations for their video ads, so communicating that their videos should be featured in larger, above-the-fold players is crucial to success.

The study, titled: 2017 Global Video Benchmarks Report, examines videos designed to engage viewers within the ad itself (custom interactive), versus videos designed to encourage the user to click through to a new web page or app, independent of the ad (click-thru interactive).  The report details findings from a year-long study analyzing thousands of video campaigns with billions of impressions across 200+ global brands.

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