Smartphone and tablet users — a group that’s getting bigger all the time — are five times more likely to abandon a task, including shopping, if the site they’re visiting isn’t mobile-optimized. Nearly half (48%) become annoyed when they are forced to interact with non-optimized sites.
This infographic from DirectBuy provides the facts and figures about just how critical mobile is to the customer experience today, and how much its importance will grow in the near future.
Smartphone and tablet users — a group that’s getting bigger all the time — are five times more likely to abandon a task, including shopping, if the site they’re visiting isn’t mobile-optimized. Nearly half (48%) become annoyed when they are forced to interact with non-optimized sites.
This infographic from DirectBuy provides the facts and figures about just how critical mobile is to the customer experience today, and how much its importance will grow in the near future.
Source: Direct Buy