Qubit has upgraded its Digital Experience Management (DXM) platform to enable businesses to provide consumers with data-driven personalization. New features added to the platform include:
Adaptive Targeting;
Visitor Cloud Data Exchange (VCDX);
Abandonment Recovery; and
Customer Preferences.
Brand marketers can use the platform to deliver end-to-end customer experiences ranging from data collection through reporting and analysis, all in one integrated workflow, without being stranded in a data silo.
Adaptive Targeting takes into account new insights as they are observed or gathered from a variety of data sources, automatically adjusting and updating segments in real time to reflect these changes in visitor behavior or preferences.
Adaptive Targeting will work in tandem with VCDX to offer users a variety of ways to collect customer data whether it is online or offline, streaming, surveyed or static. VCDX is designed to unlock a company’s customer data faster, making it instantly available to use for segmentation, targeting or experience delivery.
These product launches add to Qubit’s portfolio of experience management solutions, which already includes Social Proof, Product Recommendations, Merchandising and Landing Page Optimization.