Determining which marketing campaigns will resonate best with targeted consumers requires extensive testing and evaluation. This process can be complicated, costly and time-consuming for busy retail marketing teams.
The newest version of Custora, a SaaS analytics methodologies solution, addresses this challenge by allowing trial and analysis of one-time marketing campaigns and experiments.
With Custora 4.0, released in March 2013, merchants can test ideas — online or offline — within selected customer segments. The solution predicts consumer behavior and forecasts shopping activity within the targeted segments. Users can select any customer groups for one-time testing, either with the segment builder or by uploading a list. For example, these clusters can include highest-value customers of men’s suits, teenaged customers in the Southeast, or groups making their second or fifth electronics purchases last week.
When the desired test group is identified, marketers use Custora 4.0 predictive data analytics to test, refine and analyze bottom-line results of the one-time marketing campaign. The tool ensures that testers establish the proper control groups then runs all A/B statistical analysis on each campaign.
Custora 4.0 currently is underway at Bonobos and Revolve Clothing, according to a company press release. Revolve Clothing used the tool to evaluate a holiday catalog campaign for various high-value customer segments. The result was “insight into how different customer segments respond to different catalog versions and promotions,” the release stated, which will “help shape Revolve’s mailer strategy in upcoming seasons.”