
An Open Letter To The Retail TouchPoints Community

First, please accept our sincere wishes that you and your loved ones are staying well.

Even for an industry accustomed to dealing with big challenges, the COVID-19 pandemic is unique. It’s both global in scope and intensely local, and social distancing runs counter to every retailers’ instinct — to connect with their customers. At the same time, there are unique opportunities for digital commerce to fill the gap wherever possible.

As a trusted source of information for more than a decade, Retail TouchPoints is committed to bringing you the latest news and analysis about the coronavirus’ impact on retailers, suppliers, solution providers and consumers — as well as helping you move forward once the crisis subsides. Our dedicated team of editors has been writing articles on the topic since early February, and I recently participated in a podcast discussion with my colleagues Glenn Taylor and Alicia Esposito. Our goal, as always, is to bring our readers the must-have information they need to survive and thrive in the retail industry.

But communication shouldn’t be a one-way street, particularly now. To sharpen our coverage and add to everyone’s knowledge base, we’re interested in discovering:


  • What can we do to help — what is the most vital information you are looking for?
  • What specific challenges are you and your company facing during the pandemic?
  • What are the creative methods you’re using to meet these challenges?
  • How are you communicating with your customers, partners, employees and other stakeholders?

I realize that getting in touch with an industry publication may be low on your list of priorities at this time, but we hope that you’ll share your ideas and stories with us. We also want to hear from you if there’s an area that you think deserves additional coverage, as well as ways we might have erred (applause also is welcome, where it’s merited). Feel free to communicate with our team via email as well as via phone and our social channels.

We’ll all get through this trying time. In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy and stay in touch.

Adam Blair, Editor, Retail TouchPoints

Contact the Retail TouchPoints Team:

Adam Blair, Editor: [email protected]

Alicia Esposito, Senior Content Strategist: [email protected]

Glenn Taylor, Senior Editor: [email protected]

Bryan Wassel, Associate Editor: [email protected]

Debbie Hauss, Executive Director of Content, Events: [email protected]

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