Toshiba America Business Solutions has introduced the Elevate Sky platform, featuring a portfolio of Toshiba and third-party cloud-enabled systems, software and services including print, document and printer fleet management and workflow. These tools are designed to allow users to manage devices and content entirely in the cloud.
Elevate Sky can align these capabilities within one platform to make the transition to cloud easier. The solution enables seamless connectivity from on-premises hardware to the cloud for easy and secure interactions between physical documents and digital workflows. Specific features include:
- Cloud-enabled systems: Toshiba multifunction printers enable workforces to share documents seamlessly and securely via cloud providers such as Google, Microsoft, Box and Dropbox;
- Cloud-ready software: Companies can transform physical documents into digital cloud-based workflows to any location or device through the cloud; and
- Cloud-based management: Businesses can centrally facilitate print and document environments regardless of location.