
PerimeterX Helps Retailers Fight Fraud With Database of Compromised Credentials

Identity and account fraud solution provider PerimeterX has launched early access availability of PerimeterX Credential Intelligence. The cloud-native web app security solution is designed to quickly flag and stop the use of compromised credentials on websites and mobile apps.

The PerimeterX Bot Defender has developed a database of compromised credentials that are actively used in real-world attacks. Credential Intelligence is designed to utilize this list to stop the use of stolen credentials up front. This can decrease fraud claims and save money, in the form of lower transaction fees and fewer write-offs, by giving organizations early signals that cybercriminals are attempting to use stolen usernames and passwords on their site. The solution also warns real users that their credentials have been breached and triggers a password reset.

Credential Intelligence’s ability to detect and stop the use of compromised credentials before a transaction takes place can reduce the viability of credential stuffing attacks and build a strong disincentive for future attacks on the site.


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