Zebra Technologies has released the SmartSense for Retail asset visibility solution, which combines UHF RFID, video and micro-location capabilities to identify and track the journey and location of merchandise, associates and shoppers in a retail store in real time.
SmartSense for Retail also includes a dashboard and centralized management console that provides operational data to support greater inventory accuracy, improved omnichannel operations and asset protection across the entire enterprise.
Retailers can use the platform’s analytics engine to:
Achieve optimal stocking levels, detect and identify misplaced merchandise or assets, pinpoint theft and enhance store promotions and product placement activities;
Track the journey of a piece of merchandise, including items that are at risk of being stolen;
Use merchandise locations to respond to customer requests, whether in-store or via omnichannel store pickup;
Locate lost merchandise, proactively prevent theft and ensure best-selling items are always on display during peak shopping periods;
Match the right associate and expertise with the shopper, increasing the likelihood of a sale and satisfied customers; and
Track critical employee assets such as handheld RFID readers and mobile computers, helping retailers find lost merchandise and equipment.