Personalization platform provider Sailthru has released Sightlines, a predictive intelligence tool designed to accurately identify valuable customers, and later to anticipate specific actions. The solution was originally launched in October 2014 in a private beta format before fully launching in August 2015.
Sightlines enables retailers to build a single customer view, deliver cross-channel engagement and distill data into insight. The solution also is designed to collect and utilize customer data points to make marketing efforts as efficient as possible.
Brand marketers can predict customer lifetime value at the individual level with Sightlines, giving an accurate view into the revenue that retained customers will generate as far as one year ahead. With this information, brands can optimize acquisition to increase the volume of high-value customers gained through their digital marketing mix.
Channel marketers can use Sightlines to advance customer segmentation strategies without the use of complicated forms of customer value analysis such as Recency, Frequency and Monetary (RFM) modeling.