Online luxury retailer Farfetch has launched its Store of The Future (SOF) platform, a modular “operating system” for physical retailers. The platform, currently in beta, is designed to tailor technology solutions to each brand, each city and each store, to deliver personalization to customers and empower the store staff.
Farfetch has developed a few key applications that drive the platform:
A universal login that recognizes a customer as they check into the store;
An RFID-enabled clothing rack that detects which products the shopper is browsing and auto-populates their wish list;
A digital mirror that allows shoppers to view their wish list and summon items in different sizes and colors;
A mobile payment experience similar to what exists in Apple Stores; and
An underlying data layer that connects these services with each other and the Farfetch platform.
The concept will launch in fall 2017 within London-based boutique Browns and the New York flagship of fashion brand Thom Browne. A full commercial rollout is planned for 2018.
Brand and boutique partners can pick and choose the components that make the most sense for their businesses, whilethird parties can build new services on top of it.