EnterWorks has unveiled its Enable Product Information Management (PIM) solution, which employs a dynamic, flexible data modeling architecture for businesses seeking to provide accurate product content to consumers.
Enablewill customize and acclimatize content for every channel and preview it in context, exactly the way a brand’s customers would see it. The platform can:
Power a content repository with unlimited data attributes, and manage complex relationships between products and category/hierarchies;
Deliver time-phased pricing management for catalogs and campaigns that are responsive to the dynamic promotional needs of marketers and merchants;
Offer roles-based views tailored to each user, with security and audit logs for accountability;
Apply specific business rules for consistent, accurate sources of product content; and
Enhance searchability across attributes, facets, images and text to keep up with trends in products, lifecycles and markets.
The solution also includes integrated features such as:
Supplier Portal to directly engage supply chain partners in validating details;
Digital Asset Management (DAM) to manage crucial menu imagery and digital assets; and
Publishing with Adobe InDesign for self-serve, on-the-go menu creation.