Bluecore has released the latest addition to its platform, Audience Insights, a dashboard designed to provide marketers with behavioral and product-based insights on any audience segment.
Retailers can use Audience Insights to visualize predictions about how customer segments will engage, and develop more strategic campaigns accordingly. They can then push those audiences to channels such as email, social and display advertising to take action.
This real-time understanding of customer activity and catalog changes gives marketers insights into products that:
Convert at the highest rates;
Drive the highest revenue for a given segment;
Have low views but high conversion rates, therefore presenting the greatest opportunity for new incremental revenue.
Bluecore refers to this third type of product as a “Hidden Gem” in retail. By acting on this insight and strategically promoting the “Hidden Gems” in their product line, retailers could see significant incremental revenue growth. Lifestyle apparel retailer Vineyard Vines recently used the “Hidden Gems” feature in Audience Insights to uncover a new product line to market more effectively.
The dashboard is designed to ensure that e-Commerce marketers don’t have to rely on complex data integrations — or a team of data analysts — to understand how customers are likely to behave.