Product quality, assortment and availability are very important, but we’re not surprised that price is still a deciding factor for many customers.
As consumers scour the web for the best buys, they try to grab any deal they can get their hands on…whether it’s a daily deal, coupon code or rebate.
To some, “rebate” is a bit of an old fashioned term. We’re in the age of real-time retailing! But that’s exactly the point!
Rebates are still extremely valuable…it’s just a matter or reimagining them for modern times.
Sears did this successfully for its appliances, which often qualify for savings through utility, state or federal programs. In order to make the rebate application and saving process more seamless, the company partnered with EcoRebates to create a program that applies savings at the in-store point of sale, and even online!
From an execution and customer satisfaction point of view, the Green Leadership team realized there was “no better option than an instant rebate or markdown at the point of purchase,” said Paul Campbell, Director of Sustainability and Green Leadership and Sears Holdings Corporation.
The online instant rebate program, powered by EcoRebates, allows customers to see savings on energy efficient appliances in real time. Sears now applies rebates directly at the online and in-store point of sale, taking the time and effort out of the rebate participation process.
“Propensity to participate in a rebate program goes up significantly because of the immediacy of the instant rebate,” Campbell explained. “Whereas, with mail-in rebate forms, you leave some of the responsibility to the customer after they leave a store.”
Want to learn more about how the rebate program impacted appliance purchases for Sears? Click here.