
Get Your Content Optimized For Millennials

By Alicia Fiorletta, Senior Editor 

We’re all familiar with the term “content is king.” But does it really have an impact on customer experiences and overall sales?

Results from SDL’s latest research points to a resounding “YES!” 


Now, retailers are approaching content marketing in different ways. While some are repurposing and syndicating user-generated content, others are creating their own blogs and digital publications. Regardless of how you slice it, content marketing in retail is a really fun and exciting topic. 

But as SDL noted, spending hours upon hours churning out content isn’t always the most efficient way to do things — especially if you’re just testing and establishing your content marketing strategy. 

The third installment of the Five Truths For Future Marketers series, called Content Finds The Customer, outlined the following takeaways:

1. Millennials love social media: As if we needed more proof of this, SDL’s research confirmed that five out of six Millennials connect with companies across social networks. Social networks are key content discovery outlets for Millennials, outpacing email and search engines. In fact, the top three channels where Millennials discover online information are: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

2. Social media is a powerful sharing mechanism: Overall, Millennials share six pieces of content a day on social media. These consumers only share five pieces of content via email.  

3. Millennials expect personalization: Consider how music streaming services like Pandora and Spotify have risen in popularity. Why? Because they empower users to customize playlists, create their own radio stations and listen to whatever artist or album they want. With 71% of Millennials saying they prefer targeted streaming services over standard radio, marketers should take note and consider how they can make their campaigns and messages more relevant to individual consumers. 

4. Embrace real-time service: You’ve probably read articles about Millennials, and how they’re demanding more from their favorite brands and retailers. They know what they want and they want it now! Well the same is true for their preferred service channels. If they want to engage with a retailer because they have a question or concern, Millennials prefer more real-time tactics, such as online chat. 

How is your business revising content marketing strategies to better engage with Millennials?

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