Store operators are constantly juggling numerous challenges, from managing mobile technology to motivating employees. As competition continues to heat up, along with pressure to hold the line on expenses, store operations executives are faced with an uphill battle.
Advances in mobile and tablet technology have created the opportunity to hire, train and retain employees more efficiently. But are retail companies making the most out of these investments?
In its second annual Store Operations survey, Retail TouchPoints found out that retailers are getting smarter about their store operations investments.
Fewer companies are decreasing their overall store operations budgets (32.4% vs. 46.9% in 2012). Additionally, more retailers are increasing their investment in Mobile Technology: 56.9%, compared to 36.7% in 2012. Investments in Product Merchandising and Employee Training are on a similar track compared to last year, with between 30% and 40% increasing investments.
Download the full report to see how executives in store operations are addressing new consumer trends, and are refining their processes to deliver improved brand experiences.