
Are The Chief Buying Officers In Trouble?

By Alicia Fiorletta, Senior Editor


A few weeks ago, we shared research on the blog that indicated women were taking on the household role as the Chief Buying Officers. 

While that research indicated that most women research products extensively before they buy them, a new study shows that some items are slipping through the cracks, leading to increased spending. 


For the 2014 Shop Of Mom Report, which was commissioned by Cartonomy and conducted by YouGov, more than 1,000 adult mothers in the U.S. with children under 18 years old were surveyed. These respondents were asked to share their shopping strategies, struggles and overall experiences. 

Here’s a breakdown of some of the key findings: 

  • 60% of moms never leave a store without over spending. 
  • 25% of moms who overspend do so by at least $50 each time they check out. 

  • 42% of moms frequently purchase unnecessary / unplanned items while shopping with their families. 
  • 25% of moms have children who create conflicts during family shopping trips. These conflicts equate to 30 minutes wasted with each shopping trip. 

All the mothers (heck, even fathers) reading this post can probably empathize with the findings. I don’t even have children yet and I sometimes find myself overspending, either due to a lack of planning or simply being in a rush and just throwing everything I can in the cart! 

So how can the Chief Buying Officers improve their experiences and still save money? Cartonomy points to more seamless deal hunting solutions and even social shopping. Now, we’re not talking about shopping carts on Facebook pages; we’re talking about solutions that empower shoppers to collaborate on lists, add items to a joint cart, and breaking up the bill however needed. Cool, right? 

Respondents to the survey agree that social shopping is where it’s at…mainly because 28% of moms overlook significant deals when they shop as a family. 

  • 64% of moms said they would group shop online if they were guaranteed to get the best deals, or special online-only deals. 
  • 39% of moms would group shop if their family could add items to a single shopping cart across multiple devices. 

Imagine the possibilities: No more juggling your family and getting them to the store. No more arguments over which items to buy. More money saved and less stress. 

Looks like group online shopping is a mom’s best friend! 

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