Cyber criminals want your customers’ payment information, and the retailers that do not adequately protect customer data are at risk for long-term damage. For example, more than half (54%) of U.S. consumers said they would never, or would be very unlikely to, purchase from a retailer that had experienced a data breach where financial data was stolen, according to research from SafeNet.
Fortunately, retailers can create a secure payment environment that protects both shoppers and stores by implementing new technologies and accepting mobile payment solutions. EMV, encryption and tokenization can combine forces to defend every transaction, while the latest mobile payment offerings “bake in” the latest security features to provide added layers of protection. Are retailers ready to embrace these enhanced security offerings?
Complete the form below to download the 2015 Retail Payment Update report, and start learning how you can increase payment security in your stores while providing the new payment options your customers are looking for.