
Why Did They Hire That Store Associate?

By Fatima D. Lora, Assistant Editor

It’s holiday hiring season and not all your store associates are jolly about it. A bad hire can cost retailers their revenue dollars and their reputation. Today, retailers understand the impact of the associate on the customer experience. 

What Retailers Are Doing About It
If you’ve been following Retail TouchPoints lately, you’ve noticed how companies are using data internally and externally to hire the right candidate. Retailers, such as Burlington Coat Factory and New York & Co. (NY&Co.), are using third-party companies to find the best candidate to enhance the customer experience.


As part of our Holiday Connected Consumer Series, we spoke with Brian Gilbert, Director of Business Development for SkillSurvey. SkillSurvey is a provider of behavioral online reference checking and pre-employment assessment tools. During his session, he discussed success with Burlington Coat Factory.

With holiday hiring around the corner, retailers want to improve their staffing efforts. To do so, NY&Co. plans to implement HR software from PeopleAnswers. The company will pilot the tool within 200 of its stores, thoroughly tracking employee performance, and identifying team members eligible for promotions.

If you’re interested in ways to improve hiring this holiday, check out our Holiday Connected Consumer Series session titled, “Hire The Best Candidates To Increase Holiday Customer Loyalty.”

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