
Protecting Your Workforce And The Bottom Line

By Bill Gately, ISCON 

Workplace violence and theft are the costly scourges of the retail industry. In 2013, shrinkage cost retailers $42 billion in America, as reported by the Global Retail Barometer study. Additionally, every year, nearly two million American workers are victims of workplace violence, according to the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA). The unreported accounts push that number even higher. Each day in the United States there are two homicides and approximately 87 serious injuries because of workplace violence. In fact, homicide is the third leading cause of death in places of work.

Not surprisingly, this is a sensitive subject for businesses of all sizes and types. Who wants to think of their employees as potential victims or perpetrators? The opportunity for liability, if an incident occurs had steps not been taken to protect employees, is huge. There are guidelines and regulations designed to protect workers and, if not followed, both board members and company officers can be found personally and criminally liable. 


The retail industry faces myriad risks. Many big box stores and distribution hubs employ individuals that work long hours at repetitive jobs for a minimum wage. There are often hundreds of employees — if not thousands in large centers — arriving and departing throughout the day and night, making it difficult to track what’s coming in or out of a facility. Disagreements and confrontations — especially those that can stem from racial, ethnic and religious differences — are common in this type of environment. And because liability issues, security personnel are often reluctant to address some of these very challenges for fear of charges of profiling or discrimination. Companies attempt to manage this on a daily basis, but many of them lack the technology to effectively combat employee theft and workplace violence.  

How do you keep your employees safe? First, stress a zero-tolerance policy towards crime in the workplace. Create a work culture that encourages open dialogue, and monitor who’s coming in and out. Second, non-invasive screening technology can help with shrink, and ensure no concealed alcohol, drugs or weapons enter the premises. Placing personnel security screening equipment at all main entrances and exits provides a strong visible deterrent to anyone entering or leaving the leaving the facility with ill intent. 

Everyone should be required to pass through security screening areas. Offering visible signs of protection shows you are truly fulfilling the promise of maintaining a safe environment for your employees. Implement effective security technology and processes that serves as a deterrent but is ‘employee friendly’ and provides a clear, fast visual that can detect and display myriad materials. Employee background checks are a must, as well, but try to actually “check-in” with your employees, even temporary or seasonal workers, on a regular basis. Providing management with training on how to help and support victims of workplace violence is a critical component of any robust security and safety program as well.

When it comes to shrink, be proactive instead of reactive. The proper placement of video surveillance cameras, a strong loss prevention program, screening devices to check for concealed goods and supporting your workforce are ways to tackle shrink and simultaneously raise morale. In the end, it comes down to having a strong plan (and the right technology) in place to protect your business.

Workplace crime is no longer a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ will it affect your company. You must have a firm and concise answer to the question: “What do you have in place to ensure your employees are working in a safe environment?" 

Bill Gately is CEO of ISCON Imaging, a Massachusetts-based manufacturer of advanced screening solutions. For more information, visit

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