By Alicia Fiorletta, Senior Editor
Okay, be honest: How many of you out there have taken a selfie? Anyone? Come on, be honest. I know I have.
After all, “selfie” was the word Oxford Dictionaries selected to describe life in 2013. You can thank folks like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Beyonce for that…
You may see selfies as acts of pure narcissism. People only post selfies if they want validation or to show off, right? Well, not necessarily.
“Self captured images allow young adults and teens to express their mood states and share important experiences,” said Dr. Andrea Letamendi, a clinical psychologist and research fellow at UCLA, in a TIME article.
Author Alexandra Sifferlin added: "As tweens and teens try to form their identity, selfies serve as a way to test how they look, and therefore feel, in certain outfits, make-up, poses and places. And because they live in a digital world, self-portraits provide a way of participating and affiliating with that world.“
So if tweens and teens get so much intrinsic value out of selfies, we can’t help but wonder: What can businesses get out of them?
Now, we don’t mean a selfie in the typical sense; we mean taking a snapshot of your business and how it operates, analyzing it and comparing it to the state of the industry.
If you could take a selfie of your business, what do you think it would look like? Would you want to show it off? Or would you want to press "delete”?
Take this fun assessment to take a snapshot of your digital marketing, engagement and sales strategies, and let us know your results!