
Catalina Research Confirms That Money Rules In Mobile World

While there are a variety of mobile engagement and marketing tactics retailers can implement, at the end of the day, consumers just want to save some money.

A new study from Catalina has confirmed that of all marketing scenarios, 62% of consumers just want digital coupons. That’s right: Shoppers just want to save time and money. Are you surprised?

For the report, titled: Getting Smart About Today’s Mobile Savvy Shopper, Catalina garnered insights from 1,000 smartphone owners who are the primary grocery shoppers within their households.  


Other retail categories, such as electronics and apparel, have been spotlighted for their moves in the mobile space. But Catalina points to tremendous untapped opportunities in the grocery market. Two thirds of shoppers said they have used their smartphones during a shopping trip before.

More than half of respondents used 16 or more coupons in the previous six months. Think an app is the perfect way for consumers to receive and store coupons? You’re probably right — but make sure the experience is seamless and offers both utility and value.

 Of all features, consumers outlined the following as desired benefits:

  • Digital coupons
  • Real-time coupons
  • Shopping list reminders
  • Ability to track spending 

Conversely, the least desired features overall were:

  • Social media integration
  • Receipt imagery
  • Generic geo-location notifications

For some readers, the least desired features might seem surprising. After all, billions of consumers are visiting social networks on a daily basis. But think about the target respondents for this survey: Grocery shoppers. Their preferences vary due to the products they’re shopping for when they visit a grocery store.

That is why it is paramount for retailers and brands to consider their target audience, their browsing and buying behaviors, and overall preferences when crafting a mobile strategy — especially an app. It’s very easy for retailers to get lost in the hype and simply implement the latest technology that everyone is buzzing about. But if a retailer invests money in using these technologies and they go unused, at the end of the day, it’s simply a waste. 

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